At the November 4, 2014 meeting of the Triangle Potters’ Guild, the presentation by TPG members Martin Stankus and Carolyn Wyland, will be on Cone 6-7 glazes. Tests of approximately 300 glazes have been made and the results of these tests fired in both oxidation and reduction will be shown and some tiles will be available to view. Due to time constraints, all test tiles and glaze formulas cannot be made available for examination at the meeting but will be shown during a workshop “WORKSHOP ON CONE 6-7 GLAZES AND MIXING GLAZES ( SO EASY !)” the following weekend. Tests of approximately 300 glazes have been made and the results of these tests fired in both oxidation and reduction, will be shown and some tiles will be available to view. Randy Weisz (Cheryl’s Weisz husband) will also talk about using glaze calculation software to formulate and reformulate glaze recipes very few people know how to use the software and Randy has had extensive experience with it and I felt that it would be important to include in any discussion about glaze testing. He will be available to answer any questions.
Check out their page ( listed under “members” ) on the TPG web site to read more about Martin Stankus and Carolyn Wyland.
November 2014 meeting
Date: 11/04/2014
Time: 7:00pm